The-Octopus-Test is a Free Python Test Automation Framework for E2E Testing, That built on Python programming language. Using Selenium and APPIUM test automation tools.
It is a Hybrid Test Automation Framework, that combines features of (Modular, Keyword Driven and Data driven).
It uses Microsoft Excel Sheet as the source for both test data and keywords.
It uses OctopusHTMLReport that is based on ExtentHTMLReport template to generate execution test results.
The-Octopus-Test can be used when you need an easy way to control, execute and report test results, for any Python method.
The-Octopus-Test do not use any type of annotations or builtin test frameworks, it is open source and customizable.
- All test data is stored in Microsoft excel Data Sheet.
- Function names are stored in Microsoft excel Data Sheet as well some flages to control which function to be executed with which data source.
- All test cases are written under the test/pages folder.
- Each page/module has a separate file.
Added selenium extensions class to give a custom functions like Click(), sendKeys() , etc... .
- I recommend creating a locatores module that hold individual classes for elements on an individual page to be shared on all pages.
- I used the most professional reporting tool, Extent HTML report as template to generate the test execution report.